Enspired By Poetry 

Sunday Sermon

I enjoy being blackbecausemy skincan not blushin uncomfortable situations,like when I’m present in a pewand the word gayechoesfrom the microphone.It feels as if all staresare centeredaround me.I try not to move.Like an expression withholder,my face becomes stone.I...

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Traffic in November

I feel like my secular self today:cold and thirsty. I drinkhot chocolate to feel the warmth between my lungs. Snowflakes cling to my pea coat,white specks dissolving into gray. At night, I find myselfriding in the wrong lane: A...

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Checking Pulses

There's nothing like the smell of weed and McDonold's syrup in the morning,  as I weave through my thoughts and reflect on my past. They approach me like the headlights of oncoming traffic in the night, leaving yellow lines in my eyesight from staring for too...

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Erikson: Stage One

(Psychological Conflict: Trust vs. Mistrust) At the bus stop a woman digs into the trash,searching for satisfactionfor a need that mother America has failed to meet.She picks up and tosses asideuntil her thin fingers fallupon a box of abandoned french fries. My mom...

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98 Days ’til Spring

Shivering, I'm standing, watching cars drive pass.Neck swiveling, I pan into make eye contact with a driver through his glass.Red lights prevent us all from hitting the gas in "rough" neighborhoods.The same places for where we collect canned goods.The same faces we...

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All One Thing

Be yourself,not what everyone else is.You see, as humans we are selfish.Until it comes to swag,then when all wanna be selfless aswe place ourselves on these shelveslike shellfishallergies we swell.Thinking that these fabrications, they will sellwith the fabric in...

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Forgetting About the Miles

I wish that I could hug herlike the reflection of city lights pressed against the harbor,glistening:Her eyes smiling above her cheeks.We stand listeningto the silence,as our bodies speakthe distance out of existenceonce our chests meet.

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Empty Spaces

Waking up without you next to me is dim, like muffled sunlighttrying to sing it's good mornings beyond your opaque curtains. There is no skirting around the fact that we are pathetic with our love. You left me alone at an Andrea Gibson show for 15 min, to get some...

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