Never Drink Alone

by Oct 26, 2020Original Poems, Poem Ideas

💡✍️📗Poem Prompt: Think of a topic of conversation that you’ve had, or heard, that sticks with you. Then, go somewhere new, or take in your current environment. Write a poem about the conversation using elements from the environment.


🎙️If you decide to share your poem, I’d like to read/hear it 🙂. Post it and tag @enspiredpoet, DM me, leave it in the comments, or email .


🔥”Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” – Louis L’Amour🔥


❤️Sometimes the act of writing is what ignites inspiration. It’s ok if you don’t like what you first write down. Keep writing, you’re just getting started.❤️


⁉What do you do to get into a good writing flow⁉


I like to free-write whatever comes to my mind for about 5 minutes. I write down everything, even if it doesn’t make sense. No editing, just writing. Then, I read what I wrote to see if there are any phrases or topics that stand out.


🎥 If you would like ideas on how to promote your poetry, check out my YouTube channel

As I learn new strategies for promoting my poetry, I would like to pass them on so that we all can inspire the world with our words 🙂📢.